Just some colour studies I forgot to post earlier. Turned out a little messier than the black and white ones but it was harder to get them right in colour >:
On an other note, today is Walpurgis Night here in Sweden which basically means that a shit load of teens go out and drink themselves half to death while either watching a big bonfire or getting pissed at some random flat party. I don't plan on getting that pissed but I might have a beer or two just for the sake of it. And there will be fireworks yay c:
On an other note, today is Walpurgis Night here in Sweden which basically means that a shit load of teens go out and drink themselves half to death while either watching a big bonfire or getting pissed at some random flat party. I don't plan on getting that pissed but I might have a beer or two just for the sake of it. And there will be fireworks yay c: