Friday, November 19, 2010

Horned Slowbear

Getting back in to drawing...again! I try to work on my colouring and stuff but I still make them too flat... and I think I'm still subconsciously afraid of using higher contrast in colours for some reason god dammit. Got any tips, please, share them with me.

Also, this month feels like a fresh start for me in a number of aspects so I'm going to make something positive out of it and put my energy on getting better at art. So I'm stealing my friends little idea of writing a list of things to do.
So here we go

  • One hour of sketching (Including both anatomy and random stuff I got in my head. Both good and bad)
  • Get back in to the habit of doing at least one photo study/master study a day
  • Focus on working on volume and values every week
  • Focus on working on lighting every week

That will do for now but I might add more to the list as I go on.

"Once you choose hope, anything's possible." - Christopher Reeve