I got this
list a few days ago from my friend
Jenna just before new years. I thought I knew what I'd write about on '
Day 01' back then but so much happened during the past few days so I gotta re-think what I need to write down now.
Disclaimer: This really only concerns the people who are involved or feel like they need some kind of explanation. I'm not doing it for any kind of attention from you. I'm not looking for drama. I'm not trying to create drama. This is just to answer some peoples questions.A few months back me and my girlfriend separated, for reasons that are of no-one else's concern, and now we're back together again. Giving it a second chance basically. And with this comes a lot of drama and problems and we know that. We knew that from the second we decided to give it another go. And the problems probably wont come from the two of us at first but from others. The major problem would be the opinions of the people close to us. They would lose their respect for us, some more than others, and judge us for doing this. They would start to think less of us as people just over one single decision and look down upon us when we're still the same people we were before. Sure, it's a big decision but we still act the same and we still think the same as we did before we got together. Yet some of the closer people to us will probably still manage to look past that and just go the easy way and start judging instead of looking at it in a bigger picture. They could support us and our decision as a friend/parent/relative for the sake of being a good friend/parent/relative and for the sake of our happiness instead of pushing their opinions and/or social rules on what's acceptable and what's not acceptable in a relationship in our faces.
Different people are different so nothing is black and white in a situation like this.Actually, I take that back about the problem part. It wont be a problem because I wont let it be a problem. Yes, it will be inconvenient, but I wont let it get us down just because someone doesn't agree with us.
And you probably do wonder why we got back together if you're still reading this, in my opinion, unnecessary explanation to one of our life choices. Well basically, we still love each other. We might have done stuff we regret doing or thinking but we are still in love and we decided that this love was worth another shot. Sure, I had a couple of things that weighed against giving it another shot but I also had stuff that weighed for trying again, so in the end, the stuff that weighed for it won.
Strangely enough, it was also my fathers words that echoed in my head when I was considering what to do. He hadn't told me this for this specific situation but often I get to hear "
Just go for it. You're young, live a little or you'll regret it". I don't know why, but those words has been stuck in my head for a while. Probably because I agree whole heartedly with those words and most likely because he says it so often as well.
But yes, I do love my girl and even if I might be putting my emotions at risk I still don't want to live my life regretting and wondering what could have happened. I'm not going to go through this relationship thinking that it might end or that something bad will happen because then it will happen for sure. I'm going to through this with the attitude that we will make this together no matter what shit we get from others and from life in general. Because I genuinely believe we can. We're forgetting the past, looking at where we're standing right now and then we look at where we want to stand in the future. We are willing to put everything on this because we think it's worth it. It's as simple as that really. I love Hannah and still respect her. My love and respect for her can only grow right now and I don't plan on stopping something like that. Some of these things may sound like a cliché but sometimes there is a reason to why certain things are clichés.
So there you have it. A, in my opinion, pointless explanation to why we're doing this. But it feels like we'll be getting a lot of (or at least some) questioning and such so I thought I'd write this and just let them read it instead of writing/telling a separate explanation to each and every person who asks because that would be extremely bothersome. I don't expect people to change their mind about anything but at least try to keep your negative comments and bashfulness to yourself if you can't say anything nice or helpful. If you've lost respect for me, then so be it. I can't really undo what has been done and I don't really want to either.
(Yes I did watch 'Tron Legacy' recently, shut up.)PS. Not happy with the explanation? Sorry, but it's all I got for you.
PPS. Sorry for the incredibly long sentences and extremely bad punctuations in the text but I was too tired to fix any of that D: